Zee Docta - Die Fuck Kill

The war is building and i can feel it growing
There is no way of stopping now that it is showing
I don't know why but it makes sense in my head
Maybe the human race is better off dead
The damage is done it's to late to change my mind
Raising the death rate one mother fucker at a time

The officals say we're better off today
That's when you're mind starts to decay
And the pigs say it's okay
The streets flow with blood
Everything starts to burn
When will you learn
Die fuck kill

There's no time to think only time to react
The ones in our way we'll knock down and extract
Nothing can appease me my minds already been set
If you're not behind me the only way out through me is death
They never hestitated to put me in this position
Now the world i've always hated relies on my decision

The officals say we're better off today
That's when you're mind starts to decay
And the pigs say it's okay
The streets flow with blood
Everything starts to burn
When will you learn
Die fuck kill

The officals say we're better off dead today
That's when your mind starts to decay
And the officals want it that way
The streets flowed with blood
Everything already been burnt
When will you fuckers learn
Die fuck kill

Look at this world we've made
This world we turned into our grave
Nothing here is right today
For this our children have to pay
I'd rather die than be a slave
But my soul you can not save